Sami + Adam | Engagement // Seattle, WA

This past weekend I flew out to Seattle for an engagement session with two of our new favorite people, Sami and Adam.  We were fortunate enough to connect with them in July after Sami posted on instagram about how they were looking for a wedding photographer.  Sami is a Beachbody coach and Adam is about to graduate Optometry school.  

I just looked back at that post and Sami had over 351 comments with lots of great suggestions for wedding photographers…. And they chose us, it blows our minds and we are forever humbled and appreciative by that.  It wasn’t long ago that I was talking to a friend that tagged us in that post, and she asked what they were like “in real life”.  

Genuine, kind, hardworking, thoughtful, and fun.  After having the opportunity to get to know them before and during my time in Seattle, its obvious why Sami is successful in what she does. She genuinely cares about impacting people’s lives.  I guarantee that it will be no different once Adam is done with school and working with his patients, he will go above and beyond for each and every person.  It is 100% true that they want to pour into people, get to know them, and treat people with kindness. We know that is why we hit it off with them, we have very similar business models in how we like to pour into our clients and the people we come in contact through our work.

Adam and Sami, thank you for hospitality, for braving the cold, exploring with me, and letting me love on Pongo.  I will never forget my time in Seattle and the time spent with the three of you.  We cannot wait to celebrate your wedding day.